Yesterday on the news there was a report on this Dallas to Toronto flight upon which some Canadian survivors of Hurricane Katrina were boarded. And they must have thought that they could finally relax on their way home...except that, upon arrival in Toronto, all the passengers (and their carry-ons) had to emergency evacuate the plane via those inflatable slides you always see in airline safety videos. Apparently, the plane ran into a truck on the runway...? But why would there be a truck on the runway at all...?
Anyway, I can't find any mention of this incident online, but I just thought that was interesting. Nobody was injured, but they must have been thinking, "Oh no, what NOW?"
In other news, has a list of CDs available by certain artists for which all sales proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross. I've ordered from CD Baby before and it worked out dandily. Mostly the site sells albums by indie/small-label artists, so if you're looking for something that's a bit harder to find, this site's a good place to search.
Also, don't forget to
click for free once a day at the Hunger Site.